User Interface - USB Device Status

Each USB device displayed in USB Redirector Client has its own status icon. You can find out the status by looking at the icon next to the device.

Status icons of remote USB devices

USB device is available for connection

USB device is available for connection, you can connect it to your computer at any moment.

USB device is not available for connection

USB device is not available for connection. This device is shared on the remote USB server but it is not physically plugged in it. As soon as USB device is plugged in, it will become available for connection.

USB device is connec

USB device is connected to your computer from remote USB server.

USB device is in use

USB device is in use. This device is shared on the remote USB server and is already in use by another USB client. You will be able to connect this device only after the other client releases it.

USB device is in exclusion list

USB device is in exclusion list. This device can not be connected to your computer until you remove it from exclusion list (see How to Remove USB Device From Exclusion List).

USB device is in exclusion list, but not plugged

USB device is in exclusion list, but it is not plugged it is not plugged into USB port on USB server. This device can not be connected to your computer until you remove it from exclusion list (see How to Remove USB Device From Exclusion List).

USB device is in exclusion list due to Device Policy

USB device is in exclusion list due to Device Policy settings. This device can not be connected to your computer, but you can edit your Device Policy to allow connection.

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